3 Must Do Activities When You Travel to Nairobi

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Travel and Tourism

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When you book short stay residences in Nairobi, the fun starts. You now get to plan out what you’ll be doing while you are there. There are so many things to do in this area that it’s a good idea to figure out what you want to do ahead of time. This will help ensure that you don’t miss anything. To help you out, here are three things you must do when you travel to this area that you might want to keep in mind as you plan your itinerary.

Eat Nyama Choma

Nyama Choma is basically Kenyan barbecue. When someone comes to the U.S. and goes to the south, they are usually bombarded with people telling them they have to try the barbecue. The same thing here. Kenyans are proud of their dishes and will happily share them. If you are lucky, you may even find a local who will invite you to dinner where you can try the different meats used, including goat, and some of the traditional dishes, like ugali. However, you can also find Nyama Choma in some restaurants, and you may even check at your short stay residences in Nairobi for suggestions on where to go.

Visit the Giraffes

Kenya is home to the Giraffe Centre where you can see the Rothschild giraffes. This is an endangered species that they are attempting to keep thriving through the breeding programs at the center. While here, you get the chance to get up close and personal with these gentle animals. You can feed them and attend programs to learn more about them. There is even the possibility you can kiss one. It is a once in a lifetime experience, and with their place on the endangered list, it could be something that won’t always be possible, so take advantage of it.

Go to the Maasai Markets

A Maasai market is an open air market. You can find them throughout the city. They feature local goods with many crafts and handiworks. You can pick up unique jewelry or carefully constructed beadwork at one of these markets. You will have to bargain with the vendors to get a good price, so you may want to buddy up with a local who can help you out. However, whatever you manage to buy will be something that will always remind you of this wonderful trip.

When you plan your trip, there is so much you will find that you want to do in this great city. It is so different from your normal daily life, but so exciting also. You should probably start planning out your schedule the minute you have booked your short stay residences in Nairobi. Visit fedharesidences.com to know more.