India – Land of Mystery and Contrast

by | Nov 11, 2013 | Travel

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Archives logoIndia – a land of mystery and contrast. With more than one billion people living there, the country offers an opportunity to explore a land where a diverse culture is the norm. With cheap flights to India from New York readily available, why delay your visit to this beautiful country with its large urban areas and smaller rural villages.


When it comes to intriguing cities and marvelous sights, India has them all. Cheap flights to India from New York provide you with a chance to visit some of the most interesting urban centers in the world. Among the most popular are:

     * New Delhi: this busy capital features lush gardens and majestic monuments. Visit the ISKCON Temple, the busy marketplace of Chandri Chowk and the Garden of Five Senses.

     * Agra: Thousands flock here to see the Taj Mahal

     * Jaipur: Wide streets greet its visitors who come to see what the “Pink city” has to offer them.

     * Mumbai: With its bustling and chaotic streets, lively outdoor markets and the Gandhi Museum, attracts visitors every year.

     * Gurgaon: If you want to shop or golf, why not go to Gurgaon. There are some 26 shopping malls as well as a multiplicity of luxury retailers selling high end products from Louis Vuitton and Chanel. The city also has seven golf courses for those who like to play a round or two.

The cities definitely have their own distinct character – in food, design and culture. Yet, all have much in common, including their festivals.

Festivals and Celebrations

If you truly want to experience India, come during a festival. This is a country where more than four major religions reside side-by-side. Color, noise and atmosphere are all part of a typical Indian festival. Entire communities erupt as they throw themselves into the festivities that mark Diwali – the Hindu New Year festival. Whole cities embrace a varied amount of festivals including:

     * Holi or the Festival of Colors

     * Mahaveer (Mahavir) Jayanthi – celebrates the birth of Mahavir

     * Christmas

     * Ganesh Chaturthi – the Birth of Ganesh

     * Krishna Jamashtami/Govinda – the birthday of Krishna

     * Onm – the Harvest Festival

With cheap flights to India from New York becoming more common, this is the ideal time to come and enjoy a festival or two.

Why India?

With festivals and a vivid culture to explore, why not consider taking advantage of cheap flights to India from New York? As the old commercial says “You’ll be glad you did.”